Targeted Cupping Therapy for Dampness Removal Unveiling the Best Acupuncture Points for Relief


Cupping therapy, an ancient Chinese practice, has been used for thousands of years to promote healing and well-being. One of the most popular applications of cupping therapy is to remove dampness from the body, which is believed to be the root cause of various health issues. In this article, we will explore the best acupuncture points for cupping therapy to target dampness and provide relief to individuals suffering from related conditions.

1. Large Intestine Channel (LI) Points:

The Large Intestine Channel is one of the twelve main meridians in traditional Chinese medicine. It plays a significant role in draining dampness from the body. Here are some key points to consider for cupping therapy:

- LI4 (He Gu): Located on the back of the hand, between the first and second metacarpal bones. Cupping this point helps to expel dampness and relieve pain.

- LI11 (Qu Chi): Situated on the lateral side of the forearm, between the elbow crease and the wrist. Cupping at this point helps to eliminate dampness and alleviate joint pain.

2. Stomach Channel (ST) Points:

The Stomach Channel is another meridian that plays a crucial role in dampness elimination. Cupping the following points can help target dampness-related issues:

- ST36 (Zusanli): Found on the front of the lower leg, three cun below the knee cap. Cupping this point helps to expel dampness and strengthen the immune system.

- ST37 (Shangjuxu): Located on the front of the lower leg, one cun below ST36. Cupping at this point aids in draining dampness and improving digestion.

3. Spleen Channel (SP) Points:

The Spleen Channel is responsible for transforming and transporting nutrients throughout the body. When the spleen is weak, it can lead to dampness accumulation. Cupping the following points can help address this issue:

- SP10 (Pianli): Situated on the front of the upper arm, one cun below the cubital crease. Cupping this point helps to drain dampness and improve overall energy levels.

- SP6 (Sanyinjiao): Found on the inner side of the lower leg, three cun above the ankle bone. Cupping at this point aids in draining dampness and balancing the body's Yin and Yang.

4. Bladder Channel (BL) Points:

The Bladder Channel is responsible for draining excess fluids and preventing dampness accumulation. Here are some points to consider for cupping therapy:

- BL23 (Shenshu): Located on the lower back, between the second and third lumbar vertebrae. Cupping this point helps to expel dampness and relieve lower back pain.

Targeted Cupping Therapy for Dampness Removal Unveiling the Best Acupuncture Points for Relief

- BL40 (Fengmen): Situated on the lateral side of the neck, one cun above the first rib. Cupping at this point aids in draining dampness and improving respiratory function.


Cupping therapy is an effective method for targeting dampness and promoting overall well-being. By focusing on specific acupuncture points along the Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen, and Bladder channels, individuals can experience relief from dampness-related symptoms. It is important to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine the most appropriate cupping points and treatment plan for your specific needs. Remember, regular cupping therapy sessions can help maintain a balanced and healthy body, free from dampness-related issues.

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